Lar da Menina
Have you ever imagined what your life would be like if you didn't have a family, a home, a school, a community? This is the reality of many children and adolescents who live in socially vulnerable situations in Passo Fundo. But thanks to Lar da Menina Pe. Paulo Farina, they find welcome, protection and love, in addition to growing in every way.
Lar da Menina is one of the services offered by Fundação Beneficente Lucas Araújo, which has been serving children, teenagers and the elderly for almost a century. Lar da Menina began as a boarding school, but over the years it adapted to social changes and today serves children and adolescents aged 4 to 15 in the opposite shift to school.
At the Home, the Coexistence and Bond Strengthening Service (SCFV), which seeks to stimulate and guide children and adolescents in the construction and reconstruction of their individual and collective stories and experiences, in the family and in the territory. The SCFV is based on prevention, defense and affirmation of rights and the development of girls' capabilities and potential, with a view to achieving emancipatory alternatives for confronting social vulnerabilities.
To this end, Lar da Menina offers several workshops, such as Cooking, Healthy Living, Dance, Theater, Music, Percussion, IT, Capoeira, artistic drawing, beach tennis and paddle tennis, among others. The workshops promote spaces for coexistence, training for participation and citizenship, development of protagonism and autonomy based on their interests, demands and potential. Furthermore, Lar da Menina provides recreational and training activities in an integrated manner with other institutions and entities, allowing the exchange of experiences and the opportunity to experience various realities.
Lar da Menina is a place where children and teenagers can dream, learn, play and grow. It is a place where they are respected, valued and loved. It is a place where they can transform themselves and help transform the world.
The Lar da Menina Padre Paulo Farina was named in honor of the Priest Paulo Farina, who was superintendent of the Foundation for 56 years and served as spiritual advisor until his death in 2019.
In accordance with the National Social Assistance Policy, the Coexistence and Strengthening of Bonds Service, carried out at Lar da Menina, is regulated and typified by Basic Social Protection, in accordance with CNAS Resolution nº 109 of 11/11/2009.
Avenida Presidente Vargas, 317
Passo Fundo, Brazil
(+55) 54 3313 2775
(+55) 54 99167 6025

ILPI São José
A Long-stay institution for the elderly São José is a service from Fundação Beneficente Lucas Araújo that works to provide care, attention and well-being to residents. The institution welcomes men and women over 60 years of age, who are in a situation of vulnerability or social risk, with or without family ties. The ILPI (Former Elderly Shelter) is the home for the elderly. Here they are welcomed, live 24 hours a day, and are cared for.
Who are the residents?
Elderly residents are divided into Degrees of Dependence I, II and III, according to their needs. They reside collectively, with rooms separated by sex and degree of dependence, and form a diverse group, with different beliefs, backgrounds, religions, races/ethnicities, disabilities, among other characteristics.
What is the environment like?
The environment is organized into living rooms, cafeterias, dormitories, hygiene areas, health care environments, rooms for workshops, internal and external spaces for walking, etc. all aimed at welcoming the elderly and guaranteeing their rights, quality of life and dignity. They are constantly motivated through activities that are offered daily:
- Workshops on crafts, music, reading, memory, etc.
- Games, outings, parties, etc.
- Masses, rosaries, prayers, etc.
- Physical exercises, stretching, walking, etc.
- The environment is also aimed at keeping the family close, preserving bonds, and when broken, the entity acts with the intention of reconnecting. In cases where the elderly person no longer has close family, the Foundation acts to be their family in the best possible way.
How is the service?
The service is provided by a qualified and humanized multidisciplinary technical team, which is made up of social services, psychology, nursing, physiotherapy, nutrition, hygiene, dentistry, medicine, administration and maintenance.
The nursing team provides individual assistance with the application of medications, vaccines, blood pressure checks, guidance, urgent and emergency care, and the evolution of adopted procedures. Elderly caregivers and technicians maintain hygiene, bathing and changing routines. The geriatrician performs care, clinical examinations, general assessments, prescription of medications and referrals. The social worker ensures that the rights of the elderly are guaranteed, making it possible to build actions of collective interest, based on a critical and reflective perspective on the expressions of social issues. The physiotherapist and physical educator carry out individual and group activities, guidance on walking, rest and posture. The dentist performs hygiene, extractions, maintenance of prostheses, and referrals. The psychologist and psychology interns carry out group dynamics, conversations, playful activities and listening. The Entity also has a nutrition team, made up of cooks and a nutritionist who prepare the six daily meals, taking care of each person individually. The hygiene team leaves the environment pleasant and sanitized. The administrative and reception team meets the needs of the home and family internally and externally. Furthermore, spirituality is present at specific moments, respecting each person’s beliefs. Work activities, lectures and training are also carried out with employees and technicians, aiming to provide opportunities for relevant topics of personal and group growth using work methodologies that value care for the elderly.
All elderly people cared for at the ILPI are members of the public who benefit from Social Assistance, and contribute up to 70% of their benefit (Retirement, BPC, Pension, etc.).
ILPI São José is an institution that cares for the elderly with respect, affection and professionalism.
In accordance with the National Social Assistance Policy, ILPI São José performs the institutional care service for the Elderly through High Complexity Special Social Protection, typified in accordance with CNAS Resolution nº 109 of 11/11/2009.
Rua General Daltro Filho, 594
Passo Fundo, Brazil
(+55) 54 3313 2615
(+55) 54 99179 1213