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Fundação Beneficente Lucas Araújo, a civil entity under private law, non-profit, charitable, philanthropic, social assistance, educational, with administrative, financial and patrimonial autonomy, CNPJ nº 92.034.156/0001-01, its predominant activity is assistance corporate, with headquarters and jurisdiction in the city of Passo Fundo – RS, at Avenida Presidente Vargas nº. 317, having its origins on December 17, 1957, an occasion that followed the Asylum for Orphaned and Disadvantaged Children, founded on May 14, 1928 and from July 12, 1955, the administration of the entity passed to the responsibility of the Diocese of Passo Fundo, currently the Archdiocese of Passo Fundo.

The entity's objectives are to assist, support and promote the rights of children, adolescents and the elderly, strengthening family and social bonds, contributing to the transformation of the socially vulnerable reality in which they live, fulfilling the will of Lucas José Araújo.

The Entity is committed to the uncompromising defense of Human Rights and the protection of children, adolescents and elderly people in situations of vulnerability or social risk, with a view to preserving and guaranteeing their rights. This commitment is present in all actions, from middle activities to core activities, in the work of the institution's axes and sectors.
It operates exclusively within the scope of Social Assistance, through two important typifiable services:

• Coexistence and Strengthening of Bonds Service (SCFV) for children and adolescents in situations of social vulnerability - This is a Basic Social Protection service of the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS), regulated by the National Typification of Social Assistance Services (Resolution CNAS nº 109/2009) and reordered in 2013, through CNAS Resolution nº 01/2013.

• Institutional Reception for Elderly People - Special Social Protection Service of High Complexity of the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS), regulated by the National Typification of Social Assistance Services (CNAS Resolution nº 109/2009) and Statute of the Elderly (Law nº 10,741, of October 1, 2003).

The Lucas Araújo Beneficent Foundation's Mission is: Serving children, teenagers and the elderly, providing opportunities for a better life; Vision: To be a reference in caring for children, adolescents and elderly people in a state of vulnerability and is governed by the following Values: sustainability, Christian orientation, valuing people, transparency, commitment and social inclusion.


The compliance and governance policy aims to ensure transparency, integrity and responsibility in the management and operation of the charity, ensuring compliance with laws, regulations and ethical standards, as well as effectiveness in providing services to the children and adolescents served.

Commitment to Ethics The charitable institution is committed to adopting and promoting ethical practices in all its activities, respecting the rights and dignity of the children and adolescents served, as well as employees, volunteers and other interested parties.


Based on the Institution's Statute endorsed by the Public Prosecutor's Office/Foundations Attorney's Office, the ADMINISTRATION constitutes the Deliberative Council, Board of Directors and Fiscal Council, which perform their functions free of charge, and the statute prohibits any perception of advantage or title. The Institution is annually audited and inspected by the Public Ministry.


A risk management system will be established that identifies, evaluates and mitigates the risks associated with the institution's activities, aiming to guarantee the safety and protection of children and adolescents, as well as the financial sustainability of the organization.


The institution undertakes to comply with all laws, regulations and standards applicable to its operations, including labor, tax, child and adolescent protection legislation, among others, as well as to maintain the documentation and records necessary to prove compliance.


The institution is committed to maintaining transparency in its operations, disclosing relevant information about its activities, results and social impact, as well as providing accounts in a clear and accessible manner to all interested parties.


A reporting channel will be made available so that employees, volunteers, beneficiaries and other interested parties can report irregularities, abuses or ethical violations, guaranteeing confidentiality and impartiality in the handling of complaints.


Training and awareness programs on ethics, compliance and governance will be promoted for all employees, volunteers and others involved in the institution, aiming to disseminate the organization's values and ethical principles.


Periodic internal and external audits will be carried out to verify compliance with policies, procedures and regulations, as well as to identify opportunities for improvement in the institution's management and operations.


An ethics and compliance committee will be set up, made up of independent members and experts, who will be responsible for monitoring the implementation and effectiveness of compliance policies and procedures, as well as promoting an ethical culture in the organization.

This compliance and governance policy will be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure it is adapted to the needs and challenges of the charity. Its implementation and compliance will be the responsibility of all employees, volunteers and other interested parties, aiming to ensure the integrity and effectiveness of the activities for the benefit of the children and adolescents served.

Passo Fundo, December 15, 2023.



Deliberative Council
President: Dom Rodolfo Luís Weber
Members: Priest Nelson Izidoro Tonello, Priest Jorge Francisco Heiss Hahn, Priest João Luiz Foschiera e Priest Oswaldo Baptista Ferreira Júnior


President: Priest Darci Domingos Treviso
Vice President: Priest Itamar Lavarda
Secretary: Priest Luiz Alberto Signor
Executive Director: Luiz Costella

Coordination of the Administrative Sector
Administrative Supervisor: Elisangela da Rosa dos Santos
Human Resources: Cariene Felizzari

Communication: Caroline Simor da Silva
Coordinator: Julio Ghem
Executive Director: Luiz Costella

Coordination of Lar da Menina Pe. Paulo Farina

Educational Coordinator: Maristela dos Santos
Psychologist: Taiane Seibel da Silva
Social Worker: Silvana Ribeiro
Nutritionist: Nilziane Bairros
Executive Director: Luiz Costella

Coordination of ILPI São José
Coordinator Emeritus: Ir. Carmela Rosina Casanova
Social Worker: Denise Rossetto
Administrative Supervisor: Cláudia Maria da Rocha
Nurse: Franciele Barcia de Bairros
Nutritionist: Nilziane Bairros
Psychologist: Jurema Algarve Bruschi
Executive Director: Luiz Costella



The Fundação Beneficente Lucas Araújo maintains its actions through the administration of its own resources, mainly arising from the rentals of the Dom Antônio, Dom Cláudio, Dom Urbano, Dom José, Dom João and Dom Ercílio buildings, as well as other properties leased in Passo Fundo. So, anyone who rents property from the Foundation is indirectly supporting the institution.

Furthermore, the Entity has partnerships signed with institutions, associations and companies that allow activities to be carried out, internships to be available and services to be promoted.

The Foundation also seeks to articulate public resources, participating in Public Calls, agreements and terms of partnership and collaboration.

To provide support and reduce costs, the Foundation maintains an organic garden, with vegetables that come from the ground to the tables of children, teenagers, the elderly and employees, in addition to being donated to families and participating in solidarity bazaars.
The challenges of maintaining the Foundation's structure are great, considering that it seeks qualified and daily service, which involves almost a hundred employees between the ILPI, Lar da Menina and the administrative sectors.

Despite this, the Foundation also needs to rely on the community. Through donations in kind or collection of food and donations. The Entity receives materials such as diapers, creams, hygiene materials, towels, clothes, as well as educational material and food of all types.

How to help

Be part of the solidarity network of Fundação Beneficente Lucas Araújo. You can collaborate in several ways: donating money, volunteering, or donating materials and food. Choose the way that best suits you and help transform lives. Click the button below and find out more.

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